Pinole Hercules Little League 2025 Spring Registration Opens October 7, 2024
Early bird registration by November 9, 2024, will receive a $100 discount.
Register at: PHLL 2025 Spring Registration
Payment plan option available with 50% payment at registration and 50% payment by November 9, 2024
Little League Regulation Update for 2025 League Eligibility
Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League Baseball and Softball program (League Age 4-7) throughout the United States will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation from the time they are League Age seven within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.
2025 Regulation 2 Update - Little League